Antagonize me
by T.L. Smith
Release Date: May 5, 2015
Goodreads -- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25119156-antagonize-me

I wanted what she had, she had what I wanted. With her long blonde hair and her legs that never ended, she had him, but I wanted him.
We can’t always have what we want, and sometimes that’s the way life is meant to be. Sometimes destiny places other people in our path, a path that should not be mixed. But also sometimes, just sometimes, the paths cross, causing an explosive reaction.
Tanner was my crush. A crush that I’ve had since I first laid eyes on him. But now he’s dating my friend… my beautiful, flawless and perfect friend.
Then out of nowhere Kyrone bursts into my life, taking me over bit by bit. I don’t know how to feel about that. I don’t know what to do. He frustrates me. He annoys me. But most of all, he makes me smile.

Buy Links:
Amazon – http://amzn.to/1zu4nIn
Kobo - http://bit.ly/1De2krF
Nook - http://bit.ly/1DVo8Jc
Darra's Review:
I loved Pure Punishment by T.L Smith. So I was excited to read the latest from her. I was not disappointed in the least. Completely different story, however loved it all the way through. Never lost interest and had to finish reading the same day. Put everything aside to read this book. Forget cooking, this book is way better! I may be a bit biased, but I love me some Australian authors. I cannot tell you a good reason why except that they must have some Bad ass reading rainbow that is missing in parts of the U.S.
Apart from that, loved the characters. Christina is awesome. Witty, unique and is bad ass. Totally feel for her about those damn blonde hair, blue eye chicks that always got the guys. Especially the best guy friend she has been crushing on. Tanner was sweet and right off the bat I wanted something to happen with those two.
Kyrone...oh Kyrone. He grew on me like a fungus(this sounds gross, but I mean it was a surprise and you can't stop it from growing more). Absolutely thought he was a jackass but that seemed to be the reason I loved him more and more with each page. Funny, ridiculous and just crazy loveable. I would say hit did not fit the mold of the usual frat boy. Take that back, he absolutely did. But all I could do is root for him. So sweet with such a filthy mind. Somehow those two qualities worked.
This book is a reread. It makes me smile when I think about parts of the book. A book that I read last week! Worth every penny. Go buy it!
My rating is a 4.5. Much love to T. L. Smith!

Meet The Author:
T.L. lives in Brisbane, Australia with her 2 children. She started writing because of her love of reading. T.L. acknowledges she could never do what she does if it wasn’t for the bloggers that pimp her and the fans that support her and read her books.
From T.L.
I love to read, absolutely love it.
Let's rephrase that I'm bloody addicted, I would read a book a day.
I live in beautiful Queensland and have for nearly my whole life, I have 2 beautiful children that always put a smile on my face.
I'm a vivid dreamer and decided one day I was going to let it all pour out into a book. I like emotion and i try to put as much as possible in there <3

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