Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Flirting with Forever by Kim Boykin!!!

Flirting with Forever Synopsis:

Forty-year-old Tara Jordan’s first book, The Perfect Marriage in 30 Days, is at the top of the bestseller lists, and her publisher wants her on a book tour ASAP.  Tara’s about to live her dream only there’s one problem.  Her husband of 15 years has just walked out, leaving Tara on the brink of financial ruin with no choice but to promote a self-help book about marriage when hers is secretly in ruins.

Enter publicist Jake Randall, 30, who’s had it with hand holding newbie authors channeling their inner divas on their first book tours, until he meets Tara.  Their instant attraction blossoms quickly into love.  Tara thinks she has achieved her dreams and earned her license to thrive until her husband, Jim returns determined to win her back.

Sunny's Review:

I liked this book. If you are looking for a sweet read with a little bit of humor and conflict this is the one for you. Tara wrote a book about the "perfect" marriage and then as it starts to get national attention her husband up and leaves her. She must go on a book tour and act like everything is perfect in her life without everyone finding out that her husband left and her life is in shambles. Jake is the publicist that gets the job of making sure Tara's tour goes smoothly and he is not happy about it. As they go along he finds out that there is more to Tara than the diva he thought she would be. It is a really sweet story.

I am giving this book 4 out of 5 stars.



Kim Boykin Bio:

Kim Boykin is a women's fiction author with a sassy Southern streak. She is the author of The Wisdom of Hair, Steal Me, Cowboy, and Palmetto Moon (Summer 2014.) While her heart is always in South Carolina, she lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with her husband, 3 dogs, and 126 rose bushes. For more on Kim’s books, visit her website at http://kimboykin.com
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