Friday, July 18, 2014

WOOHOO!!! 2,000 FB LIKES!!!!


We can't tell y'all how excited we are that we have hit 2,000 Facebook likes!!!! Seriously, thank you for following us! We started this blog because we like discussing books and we hope that we can steer people to AWESOME books and authors. We also love getting feedback from y'all. We might have not ever read Mr. Burnham if not for our followers recommending it! Can you imagine a life without him in it??? So we are really excited about doing this GIVEAWAY!!!

Although in all my blondness, I left the swag at home today...

So....I will be posting pics on INSTAGRAM this weekend of what swag we are going to giveaway. We will also give you one free ebook on B&N or Amazon up to $3.99.



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