Emerge Synopsis:
Laney Walker is a quick witted, athletic, southern tomboy who lets few get too close, using her sarcastic zingers to deflect. She also has no idea how others view her since Evan, her best friend, has coveted her since they were children. But college puts a gap between Laney and Evan that neither of them were prepared for- old relationships are tested, new ones are formed and nothing will ever be the same.Especially when in walks one Dane Kendrick, not at all the familiar, southern charmer of home, but an animal all his own.
A story of growing up, friendship, loyalty, first love, primal love...and life.
N/A Coming of Age- MATURE audiences.
Sunny's Review:
When I first started this book I was like OK another love triangle...whatever...but this book really surprised me. I really like Laney. She is not just a whiny girl that can't decide between 2 guys. You get to see Laney and Evan in high school and you will totally fall for him. He is a great guy that constantly wants to take care of Laney. They are best friends and he finally tells her that he is in love with her and wants to be more than friends. When they finally accept that fact that they will be at separate schools Laney has the foresight to tell Evan they need to go back to being just friends. It makes sense but your heart breaks for both of them. There are times after they leave for school when you want to slap Evan across the face but I mean is so AWESOME.
When Laney's roommate finally gets her to go out and make some friends she meets Dane and his group. You know that Laney is going to be friends with guys since that is who she feels the most comfortable with. Zach and Sawyer start to look out for Laney and are great friends for her. Her roommate Bennett is also awesome. Dane falls for Laney almost from the first minute. He is great. Even though he is not in school he works and spends a lot of time with Trey (his brother & Bennett's boyfriend). Laney spends more time with him and is upfront and honest about her feelings for Evan. Dane is super rich and I was thinking that I was going to hate him...but again I was surprised that I really like him. Since Evan came first I thought I would 100% Team Evan but Dane does so many awesome things that I liked him too.
Allen is a handsome, athletic, southern gentleman who now attends Georgia
Southern University for no good reason.
After what he expected to be the romantic gesture of the century, Evan is looking at no friends, a year of ineligibility on the football team, and no girl.
He's starting over alone and doesn't know quite how to proceed. Certain members of The Crew refuse to let him face things by himself, taking him under their wing, and it doesn't take the ladies long to notice him, either.
Sometimes life doesn't go as you had planned. Sometimes it goes better.
Embrace it.
Embrace, the second book in the Evolve Series by S.E. Hall, follows the characters from her debut New Adult romance, Emerge.
This book left me with my mouth dropped open so many times. I can't tell you and ruin the book for you but OMG...I couldn't believe a lot of it. I honestly don't know even now if I am Team Evan or Team Dane. They are both awesome...I can't wait for the next book to come out in October. I think this book gets 4.3 stars out of 5 stars. I recommend you go get it, read it and then tell me if you can choose between these two!!
Embrace Synopsis:

After what he expected to be the romantic gesture of the century, Evan is looking at no friends, a year of ineligibility on the football team, and no girl.
He's starting over alone and doesn't know quite how to proceed. Certain members of The Crew refuse to let him face things by himself, taking him under their wing, and it doesn't take the ladies long to notice him, either.
Sometimes life doesn't go as you had planned. Sometimes it goes better.
Embrace it.
Embrace, the second book in the Evolve Series by S.E. Hall, follows the characters from her debut New Adult romance, Emerge.
Sunny's Review:

So I was so excited to start this book. I can not tell you how bad I felt for Evan. I mean he did do a couple of little jerky things in Emerge but what guy hasn't so you can totally forgive him. I love him. He is like the perfect country boy. Y'all know how I feel about boys with southern accents and big trucks ;) (yes Darra makes fun of me all the time for this). Seriously, he is such a sweet guy. I am so freaking happy with the way this book turns out. At first I was like "oh hell NO don't do that EVAN!!' but at the end of the day I was really happy.
I am giving this book 4.6 stars out 5. I just love it and I can't wait to read Sawyer's story!!! GO GET THIS BOOK!!!!
Entangled Synopsis:

The members of the Evolve Crew are getting older; so is the content. Mature audiences recommended.
Optimal reading order: Emerge, Embrace, Entangled
Sunny's Entangled Review:
Ok...this series...I have told you several times to go get it. Hopefully you are listening you have caught up and couldn't wait for this book to come out too!! I might have stopped the book I was reading to read this when I got it. It takes a lot for me to switch books mid-way so that should tell you how much I LOVE this series. I can't help it...I love Dane so much and could not wait to get more of him. You also get to see a little more of Evan and well he is definitely right up there in my eyes with Dane.
So this book gives you a look at what The Crew was doing over the summer. There are so many little things that you get to see. Dane shows some insecurities in his life and it makes you love him even more. This book also helps set up for Sawyer's book. I've said this before but I was not really sold on Sawyer at first but I am seriously on the edge of my seat waiting to see what he is all about. I can't wait for the next book. This might be one of my new favorite series. If you know me at all I kinda get tired of series after a little while so the fact that I am still chomping at the bit for more says a lot!!!
I am going to give this book a 4.6. I love it and I know I sound like a broken record but go get this series...it is AMAZING!!!
I seriously can't wait for ENTICE to come out!!! It is Sawyer's story and like I said at first I was not really on board with him at first but now I really want more of him!!!
About S.E.Hall:

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