Thursday, September 29, 2016

Lucky Blow by Amanda Washington!!!

Title:- Lucky Blow
Genre: - Urban Fantasy

Series: - Gods and Pawns
Book Length: - 175 pages 55,700 words
Publisher: - Self-published


My day started in an upside-down race against the clock. No joke, at the stroke of midnight, I was suspended midair with my feet up and head down, looking over a room full of priceless artifacts. I’d tell you this isn’t my norm, but I’m not a liar, just a thief. 

Thanks to the deities in her family tree, Romi has been enslaved to a life of larceny since birth. Well, except for that one night, four years ago, when the goddess of love and debauchery sprang her from her prison, slipped her some sort of magical roofie, and introduced her to an irresistible blacksmith for a little tryst resulting in a child. So when two powerful gods show up and offer her a way out of her thieving lifestyle for good, she jumps at the opportunity. All she has to do is blow on a magical sword and imbue it with luck. 

Then she can finally find that guy she’s been dreaming about and introduce him to their son. If only she knew the blacksmith’s name… 

But when the same gods use the sword to rip Zeus’s essence from his body, Romi’s son is kidnapped and held for ransom. Now Romi, her mysterious fling, and her teenage griffin babysitter have to steal back Zeus’s essence from a cast of powerful gods, or they’ll lose the child forever. 

Darra's Review:

We try to read something different every once and a while. Lucky Blow was just that. A original story that I would cannot compare the plot to other books I have read. Truly loved this book.

The characters are all over the place. Good, bad and awful. So many different Gods that I feel that I was relearning them all and what they did to each other. Loved that! The Gods are so interesting themselves, adding Romi and what she endures made the book even better.

Romi is a good person despite where she came from. A terrible upbringing and has to do as told to keep her son safe. However some things she has no control over. All she wants is to live a normal life raising her son. With her manny, Tweety. He is amazing. Despite not being a person, he is loyal beyond belief. She has to make things right and it is all in her hands to fix the problem. This is a journey that may take much longer than she wants. Can't give you too many details.

Dorean was a surprise to her. He is not the usual man. He is gifted as well. And he was meant for her. He plans to be by her side to help her in this journey. I loved him and looking forward to reading more about him. He is a key role that was necessary to make the book the whole package.

You need to read this. Lucky Blow was more than I expected. I read this within a couple of days and I can't wait to read more! Right after reading, I had to find out when the next book will be released. I am not a patient woman!

I rate the book a 4.6 out of 5. 

Sunny's Review:

I love books that have mythology in them so I was very excited to read this book. The book starts out with some action and keeps going from there. I was not bored at any point and read this book in a couple of hours. 

Romi is enslaved her whole life and forced to steal in order to survive. She has had a rough life and the only happiness for her is her son, Dorean and his babysitter, Tweety. I loved Tweety, he was just the correct level of comic relief. He obviously loves Romi and her son. He protects them when he can. Romi does everything that she can for her son and protects him too. She unfortunately makes a bad decision while trying to free herself and her son causing the goddesses to take Dorean. Demarco also had a rough life growing up but in a totally different way than Romi. He is so caring and protective of Romi and Dorean. 

I don't want to give anything away so I will not tell you anymore but I will say that I can't wait to find out what happens next. I love this book and am giving it 4.5 stars out of 5.

About Amanda Washington:

Amanda Washington is a lover of wacky animals, enthralling books, dark chocolate, and red wine. She's always up for a good adventure (real or fictional), and when she's not building imaginary worlds, she's dipping her toes into reality in southwest Washington with her husband and their boys. 

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Jagger by Heather C. Leigh!!

Book Summary

I sell drugs. Heroin to be specific. And I'm fucking good at my job. Enough to fight my way to the top position, controlling all of Austin's supply.

So what if I had to kill the previous boss to do it. I do what has to be done. Never cared about consequences because I never had anything to lose.

Until I met Miri. My doll. She's my weakness and somehow, my enemies found out about her.

If they hurt her, they will regret the day they ever heard my name. Boss. They call me Boss for a reason. What I say goes, including the price on the heads of anyone who dares to fuck with what belongs to me.

My Miri.

Darra's Review:

So if you read the last book, Junkie, you know it was a cliffhanger. I was definitely interested in reading Jagger's POV. The first book is all Miri(for the most part). Jagger is mostly from his eyes.

I liked this book more than the first because of Jagger. There connection didn't seem as strong between the two in the Junkie. That left me some what confused why he cared for her so immensely. Now we have more story about Jagger's sister and what led up to who he is now. That gave me a bit of resolution to how he felt for Miri. He wanted to protect her because he lost his chance before. Jagger really shined in this book. You feel for him and all his actions are understandable.

Miri went through the worst conditions anyone can handle. She was such a strong person that I could not imagine many people could endure what she did. Tough is not a strong enough word to explain her. It was intense and heartbreaking. This part of the book will make you cringe if you imagine being in her shoes. However my hopes remained that she will make it thru the worst.

In regards to the ending, I was a little surprised how abrupt it was. Jagger was bad ass. Miri seemed to lose some of that edge she has at the beginning of the book. Obviously you can only handle so much and I get why she flipped out. Except she made a really dumb mistake and I was cursing her. But how can you end a book without a kink in the original plan! The HEA was super sweet and most readers will be content with ending.

I rate the book a 4.4. A stronger story line than the first book which is always what a author stoves for.

Sunny's Review:

I was interested to see what happened in this book after the ending of Junkie. You must read Junkie before you can read this book. If you have not read it, stop reading this review because there will be spoilers for Junkie.

This book picks up pretty much where Junkie ends. Miri is being tortured and Jagger is losing his mind since she was taken from him. You get to see a lot more of Jagger and some of the things that make him the way he is in this life. I actually like him a lot more than I did in the last book. I never really thought that I would like a drug boss but I do. I understand why and how Jagger ended up in his position. I liked Miri for the majority of this book. When she was taken, she kept her head on straight and didn't do what her captors expected. There were some things that she did that made me dislike her but I know a lot of readers will not agree with me on this. The ending was not what I would expect but again I think most readers will like it.

I am giving this book 4.6 stars out of 5 and I am giving the duet 4.5 stars out 5. It was good and I think that if you like a little bit of dark reading, this is for you. 

Read a Bonus Scene HERE

            NEW DARK ROMANCE by Heather C. Leigh

Meet Miri (Junkie) and Jagger (Boss) in the Broken Doll Series!

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             Jagger (Book Two)
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Meet Heather C. Leigh

Heather C. Leigh is the author of the Amazon best selling Famous series. She likes to write about the 'dark' side of fame. The part that the public doesn't get to see, how difficult it is to live in a fishbowl and how that affects relationships.

Heather was born and raised in New England and currently lives outside Atlanta, GA with her husband, 2 kids, and French Bulldog, Shelby.

She loves the Red Sox, the Patriots, and anything chocolate (but not white chocolate, everyone knows it's not real chocolate so it doesn't count) and has left explicit instructions in her will to have her ashes snuck into Fenway Park and sneakily sprinkled all over while her family enjoys beer, hot dogs, and a wicked good time.

My favorite authors are Dan Wells, Ken Follett, and Stephen King.

 STALK HER: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blue by Jill Patten Reviews!!!

    Free on Kindle Unlimited


AP new - synopsis.jpg

He is a thief.

She is his victim.

Lance King, known as Blue, is the charming, local surfer bad boy everyone falls for. This comes in handy since he enjoys taking advantage of privileged college kids as they throw money around wherever they go. What turns out to be a typical spring break quickly changes when he meets the one tourist who exceeds his expectations.

Phoebe McCormick is on her way to having the time of her life. With Panama City Beach in her sights, and her two best friends by her side, the possibilities are endless, or so she thinks. What she isn’t expecting is Blue, the local surfer to nearly ruin her long anticipated spring break. Her carefree attitude and his charismatic personality is the perfect combination for a successful friendship, but their relationship turns out to be anything but. Once the fantasy world of spring break is over and life resumes in Pennsylvania, a secret she thought she’d be able to keep hidden emerges, making it difficult to ignore.

He steals her money, but she will steal something far more valuable from him — a memento that will forever change his life.

She is a thief.

He is her victim.

**This is a standalone**

Darra's Review

For both of us, surfers are questionable. They have a mellow, I don't care kind of mentality. Which drives me crazy sometimes. However I cannot peg Lance into this.

Yes, he kind of is a beach bum. Lance has all those qualities. Except the difference is he has a heart of gold. Hot too. All he wants is Phoebe. Even though Lance wants Phoebe, he has a secret and does not want to tell her because it may ruin what they have. It is very shady, but with good intentions. And that makes it hard to think less of him. Wow, I could go on and on. He finds out Phoebe's secret and despite what most men would react, he is complete opposite. He wants to be there for her every step she takes. He wants to become that man Phoebe deserves. I loved him. Without a doubt. 

My heart broke for Phoebe. It put a lump in my throat finding out what was wrong with her. I can't imagine trying to live your life to the fullest knowing what may come in the upcoming years. Loved her from beginning to the end. She was not whiny, Phoebe took it with a grain of salt and sucked it up. That was a great character.

All and all, I loved the characters and the story line. Blue is the complete package. From beginning to end, I could not pull myself from reading the book. With an ending that makes you sigh with happiness.

I rate the book a 4.6 out of 5.   

Sunny's Review:

I really liked this book. At the beginning all I could think was this is going to be dumb. Lance, or Blue, is just a a typical jerk that wants to steal instead of actually going out and getting a job. I was annoyed by him in the beginning. He wasn't trying to be all bad and was technically stealing for a greater good but still, stealing is stealing. Phoebe has her own set of problems and when Lance steals all her money for spring break she is upset but doesn't let it ruin her time. She luckily has some awesome friends that support her in every way and she is still able to have fun for the week. 

Phoebe has not let life get her down. She has every reason to be bitter and depressed but for the most part she is happy and making the most of her life. She works hard and tries to be as normal as she can be. I really like her. She is a strong character and she does not throw pity parties for herself. I personally don't think I could have her attitude. Once you see what Lance is really doing with parts of his life, you will see that he is not all bad. There are some things that still annoy me about him but he does have some redeeming qualities. He is very sweet and is upset when he realizes what he has done to Phoebe in the beginning. Then when he sees some truths about Phoebe he is amazing. I really actually ended up falling for him. 

I love the way Jill Patten writes her characters. While they are pretty amazing they are also very real. She shows their flaws and imperfections but she also shows how great they are too. I was really happy with the conflicts that are in this book. 

I am giving this book 4.7 stars out of 5. I recommend it and think you will love it. 

Maybe he can be my one-night stand. I’d do him.
Shouldn’t I at least have a memorable night of sex before I go back home? Hell, I’m getting ahead of myself. He might not have any interest in sex. He might be one of those rare guys who still have morals and not fuck the girl until the second date.
He pushes up on his arms, giving me room to breathe. “Please don’t tell me you’re mad. My feelings will be hurt if you didn’t enjoy that as much as I did.” He smiles and it’s infectious.
I shake my head. “No, I’m not mad. A little surprised. And you’ve left me wondering what your intentions are now,” I state, challenging him to spill his guts.
“Does there have to be an agenda?” he asks. “Can’t a hot guy such as myself kiss a beautiful girl like you all because he wants to see if her succulent lips taste as good as they look?”
I narrow my eyes at him then bust out in laughter. “That has to be the corniest pick-up line I’ve ever heard. Do you say that to all the girls?”
“No. Just the ones I want. Just you,” he says with a blank expression. His clear, blue eyes burn into mine with too much seriousness for my liking. Whatever it is he sees in me, he needs to erase the vision quick. I’m not one to settle into a serious relationship, especially a long distance one. And I’m definitely not one for a good lay whenever he sees fit, if that’s what he’s going for. If sex is involved, it’s because I want it.
My mouth suddenly goes dry. I don’t know how to take his declaration. “Well, okay then.”
He rolls away from me, resting his body on his elbows. “Sorry.” He looks up at the starry sky. “Molly gets pissed at me when I don’t use my filter.” He turns his head and looks my way. “I’m kind of straight-forward. I don’t see any sense in pussy-footing around with what I want to say—or do.”
“Nothing wrong with that, I guess,” I say with a shrug. “I prefer someone to be honest with me rather than feed me a line of bullshit. But as for doing what you want…that can get you in a lot of trouble. You’re lucky I didn’t haul off and punch you in the face.” I chuckle. “But, you’re Molly’s brother and I like her, so I don’t want to screw things up with her because of you. Besides, you’re not bad-looking either. And you’re a pretty good kisser, too,” I say as nonchalantly as I can.
Catching me off guard as I’m staring into the same sky as him, he’s back in my personal space. This time his pretty eyes are hidden in the depths of the night.
“Perfect. Because I’m ready for another round of your tongue,” he says as he goes in for the kill.
I shove my arm in between his body and mine before our lips touch and push him off of me. “Don’t press your luck, lover boy.”
Dramatically, he falls on his back, holds his hands over his heart, and throws in a few faux sniffles. “Wounded.”
Tilting my head in his direction, I give him an apathetic glare. “Tuck your lip back in before you get sand in it.”
He shakes his head. “Damn, girl, you’re harsh. You reject me then pour salt in my wounds.”
I can see him looking at me from the corner of his eye, and he’s trying to contain the smirk on his face. I hope he never attends acting classes because he’ll fail miserably.
He quickly flips over to his side and props himself up on his elbow. “So, you wanna go out later tonight?”
“Wasn’t one rejection enough?”
“Psshhh…I’m secure enough with my game to allow a little refusal here and there. It obviously hasn’t stopped me.”
“So I’m a game to you?”
“No, baby cakes, you’re definitely not a game. I can already see that you don’t like to play,” he adds, protruding his bottom lip.
Would I be a bad person if I admit I want to suck on that lip? Of course, I won’t tell him, but his lips are mighty tasty. And they felt amazing against mine. Maybe I could have a little fun with him while I’m here. Stick to one guy for the week instead of taking my chances with some random freak. I sort of know him, and I sort of know his sister. They seem like good people, so he would be perfect. Plus, he carries a love ‘em and leave ‘em vibe, and that is, after all, what I need. No strings attached.
Propping myself up on an elbow, I turn to face him. “Because I feel sorry for you and your enormous ego, I’ll hang out with you tonight. Let me text my besties one more time to see how they are.”

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Jill Patten was born a Yankee, but raised a southerner. She lives in the small town of Mayberry, North Carolina which was made famous by a popular TV show back in the sixties. (Maybe there will one day be a statue of her at the end of Main Street. Ha! A girl can dream, right?)

Jill has always loved to read, even during reading labs in middle school for reading comprehension. Judy Blume was her first author she hero-worshipped, maturing to revere the works of Stephen King. With all the fantastic authors today, she simply cannot choose a favorite. Her taste is very eclectic and she loves almost all genres. When she's not captivated by her fictional characters, she spends time with her sweet husband and two beautiful children.

Music is her muse. Jill also loves elephants, sarcasm, and anything made with sugar, especially sweet tea. She enjoys all things rude and crude and laughs at stuff she probably shouldn't. She has been accused of being bossy a time or two, but doesn't really see it herself.

All in all, Jill is just a small town girl in this great big world trying to enable your book addiction.

Oh, and if you read her book, please leave her a review - good or bad, she'll love you forever.

Author Links


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Our Reviews of Distrust by T.L. Smith!!!

Title: Distrust
Author: TL Smith
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: September 21
She was a ghost, in heels.

She was there, then she wasn’t.

She would play with my emotions like a well-played guitar.

Then she would disappear. Making me want to strangle her.

Maybe she wasn’t a ghost, maybe she was the giver of sin. Because we sinned every time we touched, every time she was near.

Her lips were shaped like a heart, deceiving you at every word.

Her body was created straight from my fantasies, one I craved to bend to my will.

Her heart, well, who the hell knew. She kept that shit locked tight.

And I couldn’t find the key.

Darra's Review:

I was shocked that this book came out so quickly after T.L. Smith's latest, Red. Surprise! This is not part of the Black series. It is a standalone. There are some f'ed up characters in this book. We are fans of the out of control, psycho, past needing therapy people. That is why T.L. Smith writes the perfect book for that.

It is hard to understand Kazier but at times he is translucent. The Russian mafia is crazy and would not want to know them. Saying they are ruthless is not a strong enough word to explain them. However the world of mafia's are picture perfect. Although Kazier is scary, he is a big ball of mush. He does have the caveman mentality and is a bit obsessed with Elina. I pinned it fairly quickly who she belonged with. How could Kazier feel so close to Elina without knowledge of who she is. All based on sex. It was hard to see why he thought she was so great.
I liked Elina once she came clean with who she really is. Not always as tough as she tries to act. Loved Freya. No crap kind of mentality. There is a character named Death. Wow. Talk about one of the most jaw dropping characters I have read. I can't explain anymore on him(He has a book of his own. Coming soon).
Distrust was not my favorite by T.L. Smith. I don't think their connection was as strong as past couples in her other books. I love T.L., but I needed more to unfold to grab my attention. Less confusion and more understanding of how their relationship would work.

I rate the book a 4 out of 5.  

Sunny's Review:

This book is a very quick read. I finished it in less than a day and it was pretty good. You have several different families that are all fighting for control of the city. The Italians and Russians are the main ones and Kazier is in charge of the Russians.

Kazier is kind of an alpha in that he is in charge of the family and has everyone scared of him. He is also a little crazy. He took blood lust to a whole new level. Elina is his one weakness. She has played with his head for the last two years. Kazier is supposed to be getting married since he has taken over the family business. Freya has been promised by her family to marry Kazier and while they are not in love she is not putting up Elina.

There is a lot of action in this book and that kept it interesting. I can honestly say that I don't like Kazier or Elina. I feel like Kazier wanted to be tough and in charge but at the end of the day he was only listening to the incorrect head. Elina was just using her body to mess with his mind. I loved Freya, Anton and even Death. They added some comic relief and helped make the book a little better. 

I am giving this book 4 stars out of 5. I think most people will love it and I think that you should get the book and try it out. 

Distrust Teaser



About the Author

T.L Smith Lover of chocolate, books, but mostly words.

T.L Smith loves to travel, loves to shop for books, sometimes shoes ;-)

Don't be shy about contacting T.L Smith, she doesn't bite, hard!

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