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Adam James is a corn-fed, Nebraska raised, piece of man meat with a chiseled body and baby face. He is in desperate need of a paycheck and will do just about anything to get one, including stripping down to his skivvies and lathering up in baby oil.
Solo Cohan is a quirky hipster with a strong work ethic,raised by two gay dads who are head over heels in love with Harrison Ford and Star Wars, hence the name, Solo. She works for Teeg Model Management, the same modeling agency that decides to book Adam as their next up and coming model. Sparks ignite between her and Adam the minute her baby oil soaked hand connects with his practically naked body.
Even though Solo can't stop thinking about Adam during photo shoots, she quickly and awkwardly, shows Adam her distaste for male models and her inability to engage romantically with them. Adam is captivated by her nerdy talk and peculiar tendencies and sets out to make it his mission to turn the Star Wars loving hipster to the dark side, where mingling with models is widely arousing.
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Interview with Meghan Quinn!!!
Meghan was nice enough to answer a few of our questions. We all know that she is one of favorite authors so there might have been some fan girling going on with Darra and I on this.
Standard Book Related Questions--Keep reading for the good stuff!
2 Brains: When did you decide
to start writing novels?
Meghan: Back in 2012. I was commuting a lot to work and I started playing scenes
over and over in my head and instead of seeing a specialist about the crazy
conversations I was having, I started writing them down.
2 Brains: How do you come up
with your storylines?
Meghan: Um,
depends. There could be a certain situation that sparks them, or maybe a dream.
They usually come from dreams. You should see some of the ideas I come up that
are instantly turned down by my beta readers…yikes!
2B: Is writing Comedy
Romance difficult? I have heard that it is easier to write an Adult
Contemporary book.
always have some kind of humor in my books, even if it’s not the main focus. I
don’t know if it’s easier to write Adult contemporary, I think it’s up to the
author. I recently wrote a Romantic Suspense (Repentance: The Story of Kace
Haywood) and it’s a really intense book but while reading through it, I
noticed, I couldn’t stay away from the humor, so there are a few tense moments
that get diffused by a little fun.
2B: Do you like to write
a whole series at once? Or do you take a break between and write a stand alone?
MQ: I take breaks. Not because I like to torture readers but because my mind is running a mile a minute and I can’t focus on one thing for more than one book. I’m constantly changing things up.
2B:Of all of your books,
which one was the most fun to write?
MQ: The Virgin Romance Novelist. A lot of real life experience in that book...BTW-On our favorite list!
2B: Are your characters
based off of people you have known?
MQ: Maybe
little characteristics here and there but no one in particular. I did have a
character in The Virgin Romance Novelist who took after my office manager at
work and the running joke around the office is that she is in love with the UPS
man, so I wrote that in my book. She recently read it and called me over to
make it quite clear she didn’t like the UPS man. I about died.
2B: I know it is like
choosing your favorite kid, however which character do you most identify with?
MQ: Either Rosie (The Virgin Romance Novelist) or Goldie (Bourbon series). They both have my inner thoughts and unfiltered mouth.
2B: You have many awesome
guys in your books. Describe your perfect guy?
MQ: Six
feet and I’m not talking about his height. (My mom is shaking her head
right now)
A little bit of personal info on Meghan!
2B: Favorite book of all
MQ:Pippi Longstocking, does that count?
2B: Favorite celebrity?
love Tom Hanks and Jennifer Anniston.
2B: Guilty pleasure?
MQ: Ice cream and reality TV
2B: Favorite music/band
you rock out to?
MQ: I like Boyce Avenue, they do a lot of covers and they are always so good. When I was at one of their concerts, I came up with the idea for TOXIC, my rock start book.
A little bit of ridiculousness!
2B: Are you a Star Wars
MQ: Of course! I'm not a barbarian.
2B: If so, Han or Luke.
Or maybe Princess Leia?
MQ: Han all the way. How could you not fall in love with Harrison Ford back then?
2B: Adam takes “Talk
Nerdy to me” to a whole new level. Do you crush on a man that knows his comics?
MQ: Ha, nope. I don't even think I know a guy who reads comics. (FYI-I did, no Nerdy talk)
2B: How long do you think
you would last on the job lathering oil on cover models before they would
consider it as sexual harassment? (Personally I believe I would only last
a week before I would get a restraining order from Adam).
day, I would be humping too many legs.
2B: Which model is next
in line for a book?
MQ: My mind is leaning toward Nikko, only because in my head he is Nick Bateman and I want to play around with Nick.
2B: How did you come up
with the idea of Solo working at a Model agency?
MQ: Hmm…I
don’t even know. My friend wanted me to write a story about a male model and we
kind of brainstormed. I texted her a lot while in the bathroom about it. How
awful that that is my memory. Once again, my mom is shaking her head.
2B: You seem to like the
down to earth guys. Do you like when the good guy wins over the girl?
MQ: All the time. I like all kinds of scenarios. I was really excited to write about some "nerdy" tendancies that I have. I thought it was a little unique, to acknowledge a quirky fetish. I enjoyed it!
Now, let's talk about some inappropriate!
2B: Do you believe the
word “moist” be taken out of the everyday use and be locked up to be never used
again? Objections?
MQ: You know, I don't mind the word moist. I avoid using it because of the distaste people have for it but I will say moist quite often in conversation to annoy people. Why? Are we talking moist panties?
2B: If you could have one
Boob squeeze, who would it be?
MQ: Who
would I give one boob squeeze to? Probably Marie Force. I would squeeze that
boob, giggle and then run away. (Drive by Boob squeeze? Nice)
Yep, we love this interview. So many things that we need to talk more about next time. Here is to hoping Meghan comes to Houston soon so that we can get our boob squeeze in with her!
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Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped.
Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel,
Caught Looking.
Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!
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