Friday, July 31, 2020

A Little Pill Called Love by Jas T. Ward

Author: Jas T. Ward
Title: A Little Pill Called Love
Genre: Women's Fiction
Release Date: July 11, 2020
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: BookSmith Design
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A quirky character in her own colorful world. A man who struggles to see beyond black and white. With heartbreak and healing, A Little Pill Called Love is just the prescription for a little laughter, twists to heal, and a love that demands to be heard. 

Rylie Marshall has blue, green, yellow, and a mixture of pills that made her "normal." But her idea of normal and what her mother or society wanted her to be never seemed to match up. 

She lives day-by-day in a fantasy land within her own troubled head and books. Reading was her escape whenever even her head denied her such a haven. So, how was she to know that one day, sitting on the beach, a book would show her the one thing she didn't have, but might change her life…


Mike Newport had white, yellow, and striped pills that made him capable of being one of the most cut-throat corporate marketing advisers his clients could have. Not even a life-changing tragedy could slow him down. 

His days and most nights were spent with his head buried in flow charts, graphs, and spreadsheets. Busy was the best way--the heart could easily be ignored as it was dying inside his chest. 

The last thing he needed was a vacation, but how was he to know that a carefree girl, playing in the waves and talking to the birds might give him the one thing he had been avoiding…


From bestselling author Jas T. Ward comes a touching, quirky, fun, and gritty readA Little Pill Called Love, rebranded, edited, and published by Hot Tree Publishing.

I read about this. You know, when the good-looking guy looks at a girl and there’s a funny feeling in the tummy? It happens in all the books—didn’t matter if it’s a serious romance or one of those erotica books my mother didn’t let me read but I did anyway—and I thought it silly before too. How would butterflies get in anyone’s stomach to even know what they what they felt like? But for the first time, I understood—a fluttering like tiny wings kissing you on the inside. Note to self—it was a real thing. My tummy was getting inside kisses when I looked into Mike’s eyes as he held the shell of the gross, raw oyster in his fingers. Not taking the time to look at his fingers before now, I saw they were long and slender. His nails were perfect; I wondered if he did manicures and stuff. That made me wonder about his toes and the thought made me giggle at the image of executive Mike sitting in a salon getting a mani-pedi—bet he’d be on a phone or even a laptop when he was supposed to be relaxing. The image teased a burst of laughter preparing to escape, but then he said those words and no way could a girl make a sound after “take a chance.” Okay, so he probably meant taking a chance with the oyster, but it could mean so many other things. Blinking, I opened my mouth to ask what he meant, but I also didn’t want to appear to be stupid either. Swallowing, I leaned forward enough to slurp the oyster and I couldn’t help it. I spit it right back out. “Oh, it’s gross. So gross!” I waved a hand in front of my face to fan it and heard Mike laughing. I blushed so much I felt as if I would catch on fire as my ever present flee and run instinct reared up, until I once again became fascinated by his laughter. It was the different one again—like he didn’t laugh at me like he found me weird or strange. I felt he did because he thought me funny and smart, or so I hoped. I smiled and wiped my mouth with the cloth napkin and pointed to the oyster as it landed on my saucer. “Who ever thought to open up a shell and go, oh, let’s put this booger-looking thing in our mouth and see what it tastes like?” Mike gave up trying to eat the other oyster he picked up as his hand braced on his forehead in laughter. “I have never thought to research it. But you do have a point.” He smiled and slurped the oyster back like it was not the grossest thing in the world and let out a sigh I guessed came from pleasure. Oh wow, please let him make that sound after every single one of those nasty things. “I’m going to assume we need to order you something else.” He lifted his hand and the waitress came over as he glanced at me. “What do you want, Rylie? Just say it and it’s yours.” You… Naked…. For once, if not the first time ever, my brain actually stopped words from coming out of my mouth and boy, did I get happy about that. I sputtered as the waitress handed me a menu and tried to focus on what it listed, trying not to be distracted by more moans of oyster joy coming from across the table from me. Focus, Rylie, focus. I looked at the menu to see what food might not dribble all over my boobs if I had as much trouble eating as figuring out what to eat. “Uh, can I have the grilled shrimp with the parmesan potatoes?” The waitress nodded as I handed her the menu back. I rested my chin on my upraised hand as I watched Mike eat those oysters, almost wishing I’d ordered another platter of them, even if they were gross, just to watch and hear him eat them. He must have become aware I watched because he set the last half-shell down and smiled. “Anyone told you how incredible your eyes are, Rylie? Especially when they’re staring at a man as he makes a fool of himself with shellfish?” I blushed again and then covered my face with both of my hands. “No. But you are the first guy I’ve ever watched eating sea boogers.”

Welcome to my worlds, take a seat, get to know me and the characters and I assure you… You’ll be glad you did.”  ~Jas T Ward

Born and raised in Texas, Ward is a mixed bag of creativity spinning tales of paranormal, urban fantasy and even dark romance and horror; wrapped within a love story. She’s been dared to write a few contemporary romances but even those reads have characters that are real and twisted by their creator. 

Mother of three diverse and independent bold children, Ward prides herself for being the “Queen Niche’ Bitch” which is a handy way of saying she sucks writing to market. 
But her readers don’t seem to mind.

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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Refuge by Willa J. Brand * Review *

                      Refuge: A Mountain Ranch Novel

Synopsis: Taylor is a mother on the run from an abusive husband, searching for a safe place for she and her young son. Convinced that her possessive spouse is hunting them, she is paranoid, exhausted and virtually penniless. Finding herself stranded in rural Montana, she is taken in by a couple who help her not knowing her past, and she is able to find work on their ranch. She intends on staying only long enough to save the money needed to move on to a large city where she believes they will be safer. But as time passes friendships develop, as does a love interest, and Taylor struggles to hold on to her secrets. Inevitably, her past catches up with her and her worst fears will become reality.


 Book Review:

This story is compelling, genuine, and will touch your heart. Taylor had one plan from the beginning. Keep her child safe. She loved her child fiercely. It meant she must find a new haven. Away from her haunted past that won’t let her go.

Taylor finds refuge at a farm in small-town America. This is the perfect place to start new. She meets wonderful people that help her and her son find a new life. Owen is exactly what Taylor was not looking for. He immediately gravitates to both Taylor and Jay. He is a knight and shining armor. A perfect example of a gentleman.  

The past has closed in on Taylor, but this time, she has a new family that backs her up. The story turns upside down really quick and it will throw you for a loop. I had to reread to make sure I was seeing it right. “He did whaaa?!”

I enjoyed the book immensely and look forward to reading more from Willa. I rate the book a 4.3 out of 5. 

                                                           Switchback is live 7/31!
                                         Amazon Pre-Order:

About The Author:
Willa J. Brand is a pen name for my alter ego, and although she is much more creative then I am in my daily life, we share many of the same interests.

I am a wife, mother of four children and three angels, and lover of the outdoors. I have been an avid reader from an early age and lover of all forms of literature since before I can remember. Busy as life is helping out on our family farm and caring for children, I craved some kind of creative outlet, and writing was a natural fit for me.

I love all animals and enjoy working with cattle and spending time with my horses and dogs. In more recent years I have found a love for chickens that I never knew I had, and my flock is constantly growing!

Visit my website, 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Engagement and Espionage by Penny Reid is Live!


Engagement and Espionage, an all-new quirky and swoon-worthy romantic comedy featuring fan favorites Jenn and Cletus Winston from New York Times bestselling author Penny Reid is available now!


Jennifer Sylvester made her deal with the devil . . . and now they’re engaged!

But all is not well in Green Valley. A chicken choker is on the loose, 61 dead birds most "fowl" need plucking, and no time remains for Jennifer and her devilish fiancé. Desperate to find a spare moment together, Jenn and Cletus’s attempts to reconnect are thwarted by one seemingly coincidental disaster after another. It’s not long before Cletus and Jenn see a pattern emerge and the truth becomes clear.


Will an undercover mission unmask the culprit? Or are these love-birds totally plucked?

'Engagement and Espionage' is the first book in the Solving for Pie: Cletus and Jenn Mysteries series, is a full-length cozy mystery, and is a spin-off of Penny Reid's Winston Brothers series. This novel is best read after 'Beard Science,' Winston Brothers #3.


Download your copy today!

Amazon: Apple Books: Amazon Worldwide: Nook: Kobo: Google Play:


Darra's Review:

I adore Penny Reid's books. There is no other author that can write characters that you will never forget. I am a massive fan of all of Penny's books. 

If any of you have read any of Winston's books, you already love Cletus. He is the most intriguing and sneaky one out of the brothers, and I love him for that. However, don't dismiss Jenn in this book. She cannot be a sweeter and a more genuine person for Cletus. Ying to his Yang. Her family has oppressed Jenn for years. It is time for her to shine. 

This book was terrific. I already enjoyed both characters, along with the Winston family. There are twists and turns, and I read this book in a couple of days.

I love Penny's books, and I wish the series could go on for years. I appreciate that we have had the opportunity to read more about the family, past the original books. Such a fantastic series, I continue to go back and reread.


“Don’t stop.” She reached for my belt again, this time completely undoing it, the button of my pants, and my zipper at world-record speed. Her phone buzzed. Then it chimed. Then it buzzed and chimed two more times. Then it rang again. Reba. Cursing, Jenn pulled the phone from her pocket, once again her face illuminated, murderous rage in her eyes. Her finger moved to the power off button. She blinked, hesitating. Her eyes widened, her body stiffened, and she gasped. “Cletus!” Something about her tone, like she was horrified, and maybe a little afraid, cut through the heavy haze of lust inertia, and my hands stilled. Shaking myself, it took me a few moments to realize she was showing me the phone screen, and another few to bring the content of the text messages into focus. Momma: Jennifer Anne Sylvester, pick up your phone. If you’re with Cletus, I need his help. Please. Momma: ALL THE CHICKENS AND ROOSTERS ARE DEAD! PICK UP YOUR DAMN PHONE! Momma: I’m calling you in a second, pick up the phone. Mr. Badcock’s chickens are dead. All of them. I got here and he’s running around, deranged, yelling about his dead chickens! I called the police and they’re on their way. Please, please, please pick up the phone! At some point, I must’ve taken the phone from Jenn and stepped away, because I glanced up upon reading the messages for the third time, finding the phone in my hand and Jenn fixing her skirt. “This is nuts.” Her big eyes searched mine imploringly. “Who could have done this?” I shook my head, having not yet managed to fully shift head gears—you know, from that head to the one on my neck—and my gaze dropped to the wet patch on the front of her dress just visible in the swath of light. My erection throbbed. So we’re . . . not having sex? “Why? Why would they do it? And WHO?” She snatched her phone back, her tone bewildered, distracted, and distraught. She was distraught because of the dead chickens, like any normal person would be. I was distraught also, but my distress had nothing to do with farm animals. “We have to go.” Jenn grabbed my hand and began walking toward the direction of the hall. Meanwhile, it took me until her hand found the door handle to realize my zipper and belt were still undone. “This is crazy.” She paused as I zipped up, her tone halting and distracted. “Poor Mr. Badcock. And those poor chickens.” A sound of distress escaped her throat. “This is terrible.” It was terrible. And I was going to hell. Because all I could think was, Talk about a cock block.


Meet Penny Reid:

Penny Reid is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Best Selling Author of the Winston Brothers, Knitting in the City, Rugby, and Hypothesis series. She used to spend her days writing federal grant proposals as a biomedical researcher, but now she just writes books. She’s also a full time mom to three diminutive adults, wife, daughter, knitter, crocheter, sewer, general crafter, and thought ninja.

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