Friday, July 31, 2015

Hidden by Monica May!!!

TITLE: Hidden
SERIES: The New Orleans Temptation Series
AUTHOR: Monica May
RELEASE DATE: July 31, 2015

Hidden - Book 2 of
The New Orleans Temptation Series

After losing her husband, Samantha throws her life into recreating her great aunt’s erotic club on Bourbon Street. She does her best to avoid getting close to any man, but how long can she hold out when Parke enters her life? While trying to avoid her attraction to Parke, Samantha tries her best to make her club a hit by hiring the most beautiful people in New Orleans.

During the hiring process, Shelby begs her to hire a woman she met at the battered women’s shelter. Reluctantly, Samantha caves and hires Sunny, not knowing much about her. Will this hire bring down her entire club? Samantha has no idea that Sunny is running from a man, a man that has vowed to find and kill her if she ever ran from him again. As the president of the MC group The Flaming Dragons, his reach is far and wide. Will he find her? Can Jackson, Sunny’s new love interest, keep her safe?

Darra's Review:

I’ll give you a warning on this book. You are thrown into the plot immediately. Straight to the point and no fluff. It captures your attention right from page one. Which is refreshing because I do not need over explaining about each character and why they are what they are.
Personally I like books that have several points of views. I feel that it helps you understand each one and how they feel about what is going on around them.
Samantha, I like from the beginning. Sunny, you feel bad about what happens to her and wanted to know how her life progresses. Jackson and Parke, amazing in different ways. Relationships grow and that is when you know if you will like a person or not.
I don’t like to spoil a book. However I was disappointed in Rex. I thought he would be a bit smarter and had a better plot at the end. Doesn’t he watch CSI? Be original, think outside the box.
Other than the douchebag Rex, I enjoyed all the people in the story. You grow to like each one of them and makes a book much more enjoyable.
My rating is a 4.

Sunny's Review:

I really love the guys in this book. You have Parke who is just straight up honest with Samantha, well kind of. Then you have Jackson who is basically a Knight in Shining Armor. He was protective of Sunny from day 1. I liked the girls too. Samantha is unapologetic about her life and does what she wants. I love it and I wish I was a little bit more like that.
At first reading the synopsis I was mad that one of the characters was named Sunny. I have yet to figure out why my name is associated with strippers or hookers in most books. So I was not planning on liking Sunny. Now, after reading it, I liked Sunny. I like the reason for her name.
This book has a pretty good storyline and again I liked the characters. I would recommend this book. You have romance with a little bit of drama. 
I am giving this book 4 stars! Go get it!


“From the moment I saw you standing on the street, I knew I needed you.” His arms are wrapped around my body pulling me in tight. It’s like he feels frightened to let me go. “And when you started thinking about bolting, I saw it in your eyes. I knew you were going to walk out of my life, and I couldn’t let that happen.

Devastated – Book 1 of 
The New Orleans Temptation Series


Living the American Dream Shelby had everything she could have dreamed of. A handsome husband two wonderful children a beautiful home and a great job. What else could she ask for?

In an instant her world is turned upside down when she innocently looks at her husband’s phone. With this Devastating discovery Shelby has to decide if she will walk away from twenty years of marriage or will she find a way to fit into Grant’s erotic world?

Will she walk on the wild side she never knew she had? How far will she go? If she crosses the line will she be able to live with herself when the sun comes up? Or will she let her over conservative personality end her marriage?

Sunny's Review:


This book was hard for me. I am that person that thinks certain things are black and white, there is no grey. This book hit the "grey" area. Now, having said that, this book will probably be very enjoyable to people that aren't me.
I like that Shelby was willing to change and do what she felt like she needed to do for herself. It was a little bit interesting to watch the feelings and emotions that the characters felt while going through the changes. I think that Monica May did an amazing job of making you feel what the characters were feeling.
I am giving this book 4 stars out of 5. You don't have to read this one before Hidden but I would recommend it.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Killer by Olivia Howe New Release!

Title: Killer
Author: Olivia Howe
Series Name: The Killer Novella Series
Series Number: Episode 1
Release Date: July 29th, 2015
Hosted by: Beautiful Promotions

Valentino County Detective Gwendolyn Anderson tries to solve the biggest case of her Career. Serial Killer AKA The Doctor is on the loose, killing innocent women, leaving them dead with a smile painted on their face. Some trademark he has.
Detective Anderson is determined to do everything in her power to solve The Doc case before the FBI takes it under their wing. She has only six months to solve the murders of over twenty women from this serial killer, in the process of solving other cases that come through Hillside Police Department.
Can she take down the biggest serial killer in Valentino County without ruining her career in the process?

Little does she know, Doc is right in front of her face.


Book Trailer:

About The Author:

Olivia Howe resides in a small town located in Maine. Born in 1994, makes her a very young bestselling author. She was originally born in Florida, but she considers herself a Mainer. In her spare time she loves to write, listen to rock music, and spend time with her family. She's big on supporting authors and their books. She owns a book blog called Beautifully Broken Book Blog.

She's known for the Amazon Bestselling Series called The Dark Love Series and Pretty Bird. She has many more books in the works and some being published soon; including: The Prisoner's Wife, and book three in The Dark Love Series called Trying To Remember.
Olivia's a huge Golden State Warriors, Patriots, and Red Sox fan. She's a TV show fanatic. Her favorites include: The Walking Dead, Vikings, Grey's Anatomy, The O.C., Orphan Black, Breaking Bad, Friday Night Lights, Homeland, Chicago Fire, and many more. Rock music is her life. Her favorites include: Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Tesla, The Cure, Godsmack, Audioslave, Motley Crue, The Honorary Title, Candlebox, Evanescence, Lynyrd Sknyrd, and many more.



Sacrifice Sneak Peak by Jennifer Snyder

Title: Sacrifice
Author: Jennifer Snyder
Series: Succubus Kiss #3
Genre: New Adult, Paranormal Romance

Amazon | Smashwords

The battle between Kenna Blake and the wraith isn’t over…

As the wraith grows stronger, Kenna is forced to follow the devastating path she has struggled to avoid since becoming a succubus. Her desire to free herself from him increases—but the cost of riding herself of the wraith comes at a shocking cost she isn’t willing to pay.

Once she commits an unspeakable act while overtaken by the wraith, Kenna fears he has won and that she is out of options, as well as time. It is after this devastating moment occurs that a savior steps forward, willing to sacrifice eternity for her salvation.

Will Kenna change her mind and allow someone to pay the ultimate price for her soul?

Kiss of Awakening (Prequel, currently FREE!)

Seduce (Book #1)

Savor (Book #2)

About the Author

Jennifer Snyder lives in North Carolina were she spends most of her time writing New Adult and Young Adult Fiction, reading, and struggling to stay on top of housework. She is a tea lover with an obsession for Post-it notes and smooth writing pens. Jennifer lives with her husband and two children, who endure listening to songs that spur inspiration on repeat and tolerate her love for all paranormal, teenage-targeted TV shows.


Monday, July 27, 2015

COVER REVEAL! Newly Exposed by Meghan Quinn!!!

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Title: Newly Exposed
Author: Meghan Quinn
Genre: New Adult
Cover Design: Meghan Quinn
Release Date: August 18th, 2015

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  Adam James is a corn-fed, Nebraska raised, piece of man meat with a chiseled body and baby face. He is in desperate need of a paycheck and will do just about anything to get one, including stripping down to his skivvies and lathering up in baby oil. Solo Cohan is a quirky hipster with a strong work ethic,raised by two gay dads who are head over heels in love with Harrison Ford and Star Wars, hence the name, Solo. She works for Teeg Model Management, the same modeling agency that decides to book Adam as their next up and coming model. Sparks ignite between her and Adam the minute her baby oil soaked hand connects with his practically naked body. Even though Solo can't stop thinking about Adam during photo shoots, she quickly and awkwardly, shows Adam her distaste for male models and her inability to engage romantically with them. Adam is captivated by her nerdy talk and peculiar tendencies and sets out to make it his mission to turn the Star Wars loving hipster to the dark side, where mingling with models is widely arousing.

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Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped. Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking. Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze! cooltext128330221187949

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The Island by Clarissa Johal Cover Reveal!!!

Clarissa Johal

Exploring a remote island can sometimes get you into trouble.

Especially when you stumble upon a cave and awaken two demons.

Emma Keller’s estranged grandmother has been missing for seven years. Emma journeys to her grandmother’s private island with the task of readying it for sale. Local rumors say it’s cursed, but she dismisses them as superstition. While there, she unearths a hidden cave, and is visited by two men soon after. Itu is well-spoken, though he hides his face in shadow. The other is more of a worry; with skin of alabaster, Thim’s feral presence sets her on edge. Emma discovers the island has a dark past. The two men aren’t human, but awakened demons…and they have their sights set on her.

About the Author. 

Clarissa Johal is the author of paranormal novels, THE ISLAND, VOICES, STRUCK, and BETWEEN. When she’s not listening to the ghosts in her head, she’s swinging from a trapeze, or taking pictures of gargoyles. She shares her life with her husband, two daughters, and every stray animal that darkens their doorstep.

Connect with Clarissa on social media

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Fate of Her Dragon by Julia Mills Cover Reveal!

The Fate of her Dragon- banner

The Fate of Her Dragon

(Dragon Guards #9)
by Julia Mills
Coming August 11th, 2015

WLK synopsis

  The Fate of Her Dragon

Alicia crept through the forest, careful not to run into any of her sisters, her mother, one of the other witches, and most definitely a Dragon Guardsmen. It wouldn’t do to try to explain why she was traipsing all over the countryside before the sun had even risen. Not that she was really going anywhere near the entire countryside. In all actuality, her destination was always the same, a cave on the far side of the clearing that had been sealed tight with a huge boulder.
Her daily, sometimes twice daily, hikes had started the day after they’d come to stay with the Blue Dragons. It began with a dream that she couldn’t get out of her head. One that reoccurred every night, twice if she woke up, she tried to ignore it and return to sleep. Always starting and ending the same way. A haunting scene inside what she could only imagine was a deep cave. The scratchy, heavily-accented voice of a man calling her name over and over. He searched for her as if his life depended upon it. She could feel his panic always coupled with his absolute need to find her. It ended just as abruptly as it had begun and always left her feeling as if she’d somehow failed him.
How do you fail a man you’ve never met?
The worst thing was the dream would then begin again like a recording stuck on a loop. Every once in a while to break up the monotony, she would catch a glimpse of the side of his face, the slope of his broad shoulders, or if he ran in the opposite direction, his bare feet that were cut and bruised as if he’d climbed mountains without shoes. Unfortunately, nothing that gave a real clue as to his identity.
Alicia had tried calling out to him to no avail. He never answered or gave any indication he could hear her. She’d tried every spell or charm she knew of, and a few she’d looked up when Kyra had let her peruse her library, to stop dreams but nothing worked. Her mystery man still came to her and left her feeling as if she’d somehow failed him.
The dream was taking over every aspect of her life. There were even times it came to her during the day while she was zoning out doing dishes or pulling weeds in their ‘almost living’ garden. When she wasn’t trying to avoid sleeping and dreaming, she was searching for anyone that knew anything about the sealed up cave, just sure that whatever had been locked away in its rocky interior held the solution to her dilemma.
The only thing the young witch knew for sure was that if she didn’t get a good night’s sleep soon, she was going to go bat-shit crazy and that was not a good look on anyone.

WLK Author Bio

Julia Mills - author_pic

Mom of two rockin' girls, Reader of everything, Author of The Dragon Guards series and many more surprises to come!
I am a sarcastic,sometimes foul-mouthed, not afraid to drink a beer, always southern woman with 2 of the most amazing teenage daughters,
a menagerie of animals and a voracious appetite for reading who recently decided to write the storied running through her brain. I read my first book, Dr Suess' Cat in The Hat by myself at 4 and was hooked.
I believe a good book along with shoes, makeup and purses will never let a girl down and that all heroes of all the books I have ever read or will ever write pale in comparison to my daddy! I am a sucker for a happy ending and love some hot sweaty sex with a healthy dose of romance. I am still working on my story but believe it will contain all of the above with as much SPICE as I can work into it. CHEERS!

Previous Books in the Series

Dragon Guards  

Her Dragon to Slay (Dragon Guards #1)
Her Dragon's Fire (Dragon Guards #2)
Haunted by Her Dragon (Dragon Guards #3)
For the Love of her Dragon (Dragon Guards #4)
Saved By Her Dragon (Dragon Guard #5)
Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard # 6)
Fighting For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard # 7)
Her Dragon's Heart (Dragon Guard Series Book 8)
Box Set 7 Books JLM WEB 05292015
Box Set (books 1-7)

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